A Creative Lab for Culture Collective Artists (one from each island group: Outer Hebrides, Orkney and Shetland) to spend time creatively together, to reflect and evaluate specifically on Culture Collective and more generally on what it is like to live rurally and work as an artist.


Were you involved in the delivery of a Culture Collective project in the Outer Hebrides, Orkney or Shetland? Shetland Arts is excited to host a creative space for a Culture Collective artist from each island group to spend time together, create, reflect, evaluate Culture Collective and explore the sustainability of artists in rural context.

Each day will have a Facilitated Discussion by Shetland Arts Employees, and time for the artists to create, explore and input into a document that will summarise and explore themes shaped by the artists. The final document will be made into a public pamphlet (by the Shetland Arts in-house marketing team) that can be distributed physically and online to partner venues, Culture Collective artists and beyond. We would love to have this document to build evidence as an appendix for how cross island working can take place and support and benefit one another.

Examples of themes could be:

  • Art and Resilience
  • Art and Climate
  • Sustainability of art form
  • Discussions about what inspires each artist
  • Pricing your work and your time
  • How to create work that has value to those around you
  • How to adapt your practice to where you are
  • Advocating for your art
  • Balancing your art and other commitments
  • Personal and professional progress
  • Promoting yourself
  • Effective online presence
  • Collaborations
  • Cross artform work
  • Local colleagues (possible lack of).

These are just suggestions and the week and the outcome will be shaped by the artists participating in the lab.

The aim of this is to have a tangible outcome and something to work towards for those coming together to do the project.

If you are passionate about working as part of a team and sharing your views, your project, and what it’s like to work as a rural artist, we are looking to work with you.

£1000 per artist (which includes an online meeting prior to the lab and an evaluation meeting afterward)
Per Diems
£150 (£30 per day)
Travel and Accommodation is provided and will be booked by us.
We have some access costs available.


Tuesday 31st October

AM arrive or travel, PM meet and greet with coffee.

Wednesday 1st - Friday 3rd November

AM scheduled discussion topics, PM creative time for artists (1000-1600).

Friday 3rd (evening) - Saturday 4th November


How to apply:

Please answer the questions below in a PDF document and send them to [email protected].

  • Artist Statement *
  • Why do you wish to participate in this Artist Lab? *
  • What topics would you wish to explore during this Artist Lab? *
  • What knowledge/practice/ideas would you bring to this Artist Lab? **
  • Do you have experience of collaborative working? What practices in collaboration would you bring to this Creative Lab? **
  • What is your connection to your island group? *

* Maximum 200 words.

** Maximum 300 words.

It is not essential that you were a Culture Collective Artist, but you must live/work/have strong connections to one of the island groups. One artist will be selected from each of the island groups.

Application Deadline
Monday 28 August 2023.

Banner Image: Lakota Clubb.