It has been a good day on the Mareel site. After 6 months of work under the ground it’s now all go above. A significant milestone in any construction project is the point that the first blocks are laid. That milestone was reached today.

The underground work has gone well and apart from some minor changes has gone to plan – which is equally good news as it’s during the work underground that nasty surprises are most likely to occur.

The next 6 months will be a period in which the building will begin to really take shape. Walls and floors will all be constructed. By late spring the heart of the inside of the building will be in place ready for the external envelope – the dynamic leaning walls and roof to be constructed.

It will look a little strange until then – a series of concrete columns, floors and block work boxes. The boxes that will appear very large will house the main music hall, the cinemas and the recording studio. All separate acoustic structures in thier own right.

Thanks to the team at DITT Construction Ltd for getting us to this crucial point who alongside our Design Team (led by Gareth Hoskins Architects) are all doing a great job. Not to mention Stephen our QS, Charlie our Clark of Works, Ian our Contract Administrator and Ewen our Project Manager. It’s great to have such a dedicated professional bunch of people on the case.