Half way through already! Laura reports back from the mid way point at Fiddle Frenzy

Wednesday morning was a lovely relaxed session learning the Unst bridal march under the capable guidance of our curator, Claire White. Lots of positivity from Claire - I definitely needed that in my tired, fragile state this morning.

As my fiddle needed a bit of attention this morning..... I wis trying to persuade it into tune, had to admit defeat and ask a friendly fiddle tutor who was passing. He very kindly straightened it's bridge and then proceeded to tune it for me. Phew!

Learning by making mistakes and watching Claire's fingering made me see my frazzled fiddle efforts are exactly the same as sketching and I need* to really loosen up whilst keeping in mind the bigger picture of the tune.

*Needed some sleep as well!....feeling much better having cut afternoon short at coffee break & had a wee sleep! Woke up wi Unst Bridal march ringin' in my heid.... we did learn another one between 1.30 and 2.30, but thankfully I recorded it as it's less easy to bring to mind meantime....

Never a dull moment and wi the power of positivity also ringing in my brain fae Claire's words next stop for me shower before heading oot to Mareel concert later tonight, line-up splendid as ever, with two fiddle groups (traditional & mair modern arrangement) and a lovely American influenced band which I had the pleasure of hearing at the Shetland Folk Festival earlier in the year. So much talent in this place! Shetland folk's warmth and ability to share that talent & tradition is fairly at the heart o' the Fiddle Frenzy, cemented by a special bond between it's participants. There's a real special something in the sparkling water and sunlight that will linger on fingertips, in minds and create masterpieces through simple lines; whether chords, melodies or sketchpads, started in Shetland & finding it's way back home (by ferry, aeroplane, train~ we've come from all over the world to be calmed & inspired in this Frenzy!)


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