Shetland Arts has been working with a London based company called Make Happy to develop the Mareel brand identity for online, print and physically in the building. Early on we decided that Jono Sandilands (Shetland Arts' Graphic Designer) should be closely involved in the development of the brand and that we would use this opportunity to develop Jono’s skills and experience. A kind of pay back to Jono for his great work with us on a Graduate Placement scheme over the past year. So, rather than just contract a design company, we sought out one of the best design houses in the UK and placed Jono with them to develop the brand in collaboration. Great for Jono, great for Shetland Arts (as he comes back with even more ideas) and great for the brand as the combination on a Shetland eye and an outsiders eye produces something very strong.

The brand is in the final stages of development and feeding into ideas for the signage, internal colours and finishes of Mareel itself. More news to follow on this as we have it.